Thursday, August 23, 2007

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Uh oh!

Ryan's at the "Uh oh!" stage. I love it! He dropped his toothbrush this morning - Uh oh! I dropped his pjs last night - Uh oh! He trips... well, you get the idea.

Ryan's also become very fond of spotting the plane in the sky. If he hears one, you'd better get him to a window & make it snappy! Then we search the sky for the plane and he points it out with his chubby little finger.

Sometimes, the chubby pointed finger comes to his forehead or his nose when he seems something. A dog incites the pointed finger, the "woa! woa!" response and the "Did you just hear what I heard? that's a dog!" look.

And when we're driving, he's constantly looking out the window and pointing at stuff. I'm not sure what yet but I'm trying to name things so that he catches on. He's smart, my little peanut! Shouldn't be long now.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wordless Wednesday (well, one word: Yummy!)

A Day in Dorval

We spent Sunday afternoon in Dorval visiting Jeff's Great Uncle Ross and & Aunt Ann. So that would make them Ryan's Great Grand Uncle Ross and ... well, you get the point. We drove down late in the morning and arrived in time for a quick tour of the backyard and a splash on the steps of the pool. Ryan figured since he could step down into the pool where the steps where, he could do this all the way around the pool. We had to watch him a like a hawk.

We had a lovely lunch and then Ross, Jeff, Ryan and I went for a walk along the waterfront to a great park, with more play structures than kids! The only downside to the park - Mommy got bitten by sand fleas. Apparently they affect some and don't affect others. Well, me and sand fleas don't get along. I'm very, very sensitive to their bites. Anyhoo, back to the park. It was fabulous! We climbed in and around, up and down and all over every play structure. It was great and tuckered Ryan right out. He had a great nap when we got back to Ross', while the big kids took a dip. Ryan got up, we played some more, had a wonderful dinner and then hit the road to Ottawa.

We had a really great day! Ryan discovered planes and was quick to point them out by the end of the day. Being in Dorval, Ann & Ross' home is pretty much right under the flight path of all departing planes. Not so great for the residents... so much fun for Ryan. We also got to try water wings on him for the first time, since he hates being in one of those floating donuts. He wasn't crazy about being in the pool - I think it was a bit chilly for him - but he loved the water wings!

Thanks for having us, Ann & Ross! We look forward to seeing you again soon!

Friday, August 10, 2007

More contests!

Drea is giving away a toddler backpack from Four peas They've got some cute stuff! I love the tee that says "I'm big in Japan!"

At 5 Minutes for Mom you can enter to win a Comfy Easy PC for your wee one. Ryan's always try to get his mitts on our wireless mouse...and has yanked more than one key of the laptop. Maybe this is the solution.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Throwback Thursday

This was taken exactly 3 years ago today... a few days after our wedding. I was trying to put together our new vacuum and could NOT figure it out. I think there were 4 pieces in all. You can tell just how much vacuuming I do! My Aunt Cookie & cousin Alisa were killing themselves laughing. Well, so was I actually. But as you can see, I had just about figured it out!

14 months already!

Today is Ryan's good friend Sophie's 1st birthday. I admit that when Ryan's first birthday hit, I was just too busy planning and organizing and running around to stop and think about how quickly the last year went by.

Well, tonight I did just that, right after my friend Vangie said that her little girl is 2 1/2 years old and the time has flown by! Ryan has changed a lot in the two months since his birthday even so I thought it would be good time for a quick recap of his latest tricks:

-he loves to climb on anything, especially up on the coffee table. He'll even wait until you're looking, almost as though he enjoys being caught in the act. Little bugger!

-he waves & says hi and bye at the right times. It's even the cute wave, that's the curl of his hand facing himself. No need to fix that now, it's adorable. He's so excited when we drop him off at daycare in the morning that he's saying bye to me as I'm taking him out of his carseat. Gimme a minute, here! Mommy needs to kiss you, hug you, kiss you again, then wave bye until I'm off the street & out of sight.

-he says "boo!" but with a lot of spit added to the mix. He picked this up from his Pappy. You say it to scare him and he spits it right back at ya!

-Ryan has started to protest to some things with more than the occasional whine. He will thrash in his carseat or highchair when he's had enough, or on his change pad when he's just not in the mood for a new diaper. It can be challenging but a quick song often works to distract him just long enough.

-he can also be quite the drama queen. When you say no or take something away from him, he'll slowly drop to his knees, drop his head, and cry as though it's the end of the world. We try not to laugh, but it's really, really hard! ;0)

-in the morning when Jeff & I are brushing our teeth, Ryan likes to get in on it and wanders around chewing on his own toothbrush. The past week or so, he's taken to brushing his hair in the morning too!

-while Ryan's always been an affectionate little guy, the past few weeks, he's been especially so. Always big snuggles in the morning & at the end of the day when I pick him up from daycare.

-Last but certainly not least, Ryan likes to boogie! My boy's got rhythm! well, if you count stomping your feet, swinging your arms and twisting your hips.

Wordless Wednesday (on Thursday... I know)

Thursday, August 02, 2007

CAUTION: Slippery when wet!

It's been VERY hot & humid in Ottawa lately. On Tuesday after work, Ryan and I decided to take a dip in the neighbours' pool. Ryan wasn't digging the ride in the giant inflatable duck so we quickly headed home to retreat in our air conditioned house.

I took off his soaking swim diaper and went to get a new one for his bum. Well, the rush of cold air conditioning struck him and he started to pee, while playing with himself (and watching tv at the same time). What happened next was straight out of a cartoon. I swear I even heard the sound effects. Ryan took one step in his own pee and started to slip, like Bambi on the frozen lake. Then he wiped out, feet up high in the air, just like someone had tossed a banana peel in his path.

He cried due to the scare and the small bump the back of his head incurred. But he quickly stopped crying, at which point Mommy started laughing. Is it wrong to laugh when your baby slips in his own pee? ;0)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Yes, it does pay to enter many contests online! Just yesterday, I got word that I won 2, that's right 2, prizes!

I won a Dripstik Gift Set from The Opinionated Parent and also momspit from MamaSpeaks. Thanks for all the great giveaways!

Stay tuned for more winnings! I keep on entering!

Wordless Wednesday